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( We have an English Kinder supporter too.)
本園キンダー・サポーター 自己紹介(Kinder supporter introduction)
I am currently living and raising children in Osaka Japan. I work at a
kindergarten and see many kinder children every day. I know there can be
challenging times, when we need to talk and have someone listen or give
some advice. We have created a safe and relaxed atmosphere where you can
do just that. Sometimes we feel overwhelmed by our situations and need
some help or advice, but feel too shy or embarrassed to ask. Not anymore.
I know I always felt better talking to and getting other peoples points
of view. Now I have the opportunity to do the same for other people in
Japan.I have worked with people with disabilities and their families in
Canada. While attending University, I spent four months a year working
at and eventually running the Lions Easter Seal Camp in Winfield B.C Canada.
This camp was designed for children and adults with disabilities. I also
was a care giver and worked inside the homes of families with individuals
with disabilities.I have always been interested in other cultures. I have
had the opportunity to travel to many countries and live for a short time
in a few different countries as well. I was able to learn and adjust to
many cultural differences. The key was being open minded and talking and
asking questions to many people. So, if you are facing a challenge in your
life, and need a little help, I hope you will come by and have a chat!
B.A psychology